Over Farm Open Air Cinema - Shaun of the Dead
Shaun of the Dead at Over Farm Open Air Cinema
Friday 7th September 2018
My husband and I don’t get chance to have a date night very often, but when we do we like to do something a little different. So, when we were given the opportunity to go to see Shaun of the Dead at Over Farm Open Air cinema we jumped at the chance.
Suggested arrival time was 7:30pm and there were signs to point us in the direction of parking and the seating area were clear, so we found our way in easily.
When we parked we were greeted with the delicious smell of a barbecue and stewards pointing us in the direction of the ticket stand.
Ticket collection was simple and staff were really friendly and chatty. The zombies were a different kettle of fish though – ambling towards us with full on special effect make up – a great touch!
There was a good selection of food available; from snacks like popcorn, crisps and sweets, to burgers (meat or veggie option) and hotdogs. The price of the burgers did seem a little steep at £5 each, but they certainly were sizeable and very tasty!
The bar was stocked with a range of soft drinks and alcohol – all with really reasonable prices (£14 for a 75cl bottle of prosecco - amazing!) all served in ‘Frightmare’ cups (£1 each, refunded if cups were returned).
We took our own blankets and seating, although VIP booking was available for an extra cost, which got you a seat (chair or large bean bag), a blanket and some popcorn, which is definitely worth it if you don’t want the hassle of organising your own or just want to feel like a VIP for the evening or have a special occasion.
The picture quality was fantastic, no blips or pauses/buffering in sight. The volume was loud enough without being overbearing and there was so much room for everyone to get comfy without feeling like you’re sat in a cinema putting up with other people’s annoying munching and rustling. It was perfect for a date night to be snuggled up outside, but also I think it would be great for groups of friends to have a different kind of night out.
About halfway through I needed to go to the bathroom, the stewards were on hand to show the way and it was recommended to use the torch function on our phones (or an actual torch if you had one) as it was very dark away from the screen and food/drink stands. It was a bit of a trek and there were only 2 toilets available for the ladies, which was a bit of a pain as there was a queue and everyone wanted to get back to the film.
Overall, it was a great experience and definitely something that I will do again. The only slight downside was the toilet situation, it would’ve been good if there were a couple more available to limit the waiting time!
Sherry, September 2018
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